Summer in bloom

✨Bauhaus - Yara Dress & Necklace
For  LaraX + PetiteX,  Legacy + Perky, GenX Classic & Reborn.
20 Colors in Fatpack with HUD to Change Colors of Top, Skirt, & Buttons on Dress.
Necklace comes in 20 colors with HUD

πŸš•Available now @ Anthology Event
πŸš•After the event @ Bauhaus Mainstore 

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Taken @  Luane's


ღ Lisa ღ

✨Riot • Lisa Outfit •
• Lisa Crop Top, Corset & Mini Skirt with 34 Riot colors
• Corset can be worn separately, Metals & Stripes change in all packs
• Straps optional & color change in all packs
• Mini Skirt has metal color change in all packs & Belt is optional and color change in all packs
• Sizes are Maitreya, Legacy, Kupra, Reborn + Waifu
Available @ πŸš• Riot Mainstore

✨Buxom - Zamora Heels
Sizes are Maitreya, Legacy, Reborn, Kupra
22 Color Options + 4 Metal Options + 14 Sole Options in Fatpack
(See close up pic below)
Available @ πŸš• Tres Chic Event 








After the event:
πŸš• Buxom Mainstore

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✨Bumblebee - Skyler Top & Skirt
•Bodies available: Lara X | Petite X | Reborn | Waifu | Legacy | L. •Perky | Bombshell | Kupra | Gen X Classic | Gen X Curvy
πŸš•Tres Chic Event
After the event:
πŸš• Bumblebee Mainstore
✨Chain - Lynette Hair
πŸš•Tres Chic Event
After the event:
πŸš•Chain Mainstore

✨Vipera - Jade Earrings
6 metals, 9 gem colors
(See closeup photo below)
πŸš•Tres Chic Event
After the event:
πŸš•Vipera Mainstore


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Featuring United Colors
UC - Jolie Dress - Fitted for Legacy + Perky + Petite, Maitreya Original, LaraX + Petite & Reborn. 9 lovely colors in HUD.

Available @ Uber: Uber
After event: UC Mainstore


Summer Paradise
✨Ascendant - Gemma Bikini & Sarong
Fatpack has 40 pattern options & 40 solid color options.
Sarong & Bikini border can be changed via HUD
Rigged for Legacy + Perky, LaraX & Reborn + Waifu + Juicy Rolls.
πŸ“Œ Tres Chic Event
✨ Truth x Wasabi Collective - Karma Hair
πŸ“Œ Wasabi Mainstore

✨Essenz - Curacao Heels
18 colors, available in singles, 3 color packs or a fatpack.
+ 3 wedge patterns
Rigged for: Maitreya, Legacy or eBody

Available @ Summerfest: June 22 - July 12
πŸ“Œ Summerfest
✨Synnergy Tavis -  Perast Bay Villa {360} Backdrop
⇨⇨  🚨Lazy Sunday MP Sale 🚨⇦⇦
MP Link


Summer Days 
✨Addams - Emma Top & Jeans
•Bodies available: Lara X | Petite X | Reborn | Waifu | Legacy | L. Perky | Bombshell | Kupra | Gen X Classic | Gen X Curvy
πŸš•Tres Chic Event  
After the event:
πŸš• Addams Mainstore  

✨JIAN Pets - Shibu Inu / Red
•Adult & Pup versions
•Companion, Wanderer & Held
•Adult comes as normal & newspaper dancer versions
•Held pups have texture change bandana
•Animation & sound toggles
•Floating name


✨Mila Shop - Ingrid Skin
Mila Skin Tones (#4-#11)
Velour Skin Tones - Snow/Chantilly/Ibiza/Sunkiss/Praline/Brownie/Chocolate
➊ This pack includes →
✔ BOM EvoX Face skin
✔ 2 eyebrow colors & browless version
✔ Shine reducer for face
✔ Style card
✔ Shape (for LeLutka Avalon head)
✔ Neck blend
✔ Correct skin tone for LeLutka EARS
➋ Body skins & Add-Ons sold separately

πŸš•Tres Chic Event
 After the event:
πŸš•Mila Shop

✨Niko - Lucy Outfit
Shirt, Skirt/Panties/Shorts
10 Colors
Rigged for Legacy & Reborn.
πŸš•Tres Chic Event
✨Lovesome -  Reese Choker
15 Metal colors in HUD
πŸš•Tres Chic Event
Tres Chic:
Event Opening Date: June 19, 2024
Event Closing Date: July 10, 2024

✨~Mani Pedi ~ 21st Century Nail Polish - 8 Shades
πŸš• Mani Pedi Mainstore
️πŸ’… Mani Pedi MP

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Endless Summer ☀️
✨Nerido - Annerli Bikini
Rigged for: Maitreya, Legacy + Perky, Reborn
10 colors & Sparkle HUD
πŸš•Nerido Mainstore


Cobble Street 
✨Ascendant - Terri Top for HW 6/15
Fatpack has 40 pattern options.
Rigged for Legacy + Perky, LaraX & Reborn + Waifu.
πŸš• Ascendant Mainstore
✨ Truth x Wasabi Collective - Tide Hair
Tide is your classic summery, "I'm on vacation" beachy style. Wear it with your hottest bikini for your perfect summer pics ♥

Available now:
After the event:
πŸš• Wasabi Mainstore
πŸš•Truth Mainstore    
✨Carol G - Karime Tattoo - wearing Arms layer only
Exclusive 60-90L Happy Weekend sale!
White, Black & Henna
4 Intensities/BOM & Appliers
Option to use separate layers in BOM
πŸš•  Carol G Mainstore 

✨Synnergy Tavis -  Cobble Street {Scene}
✨Synnergy Tavis - Doggy Day [Holdable] (Doggy Holdable Bag, Doggy Day Unisex Pose, & Goldendoodle Included)

Draped in pearls, dressed in dreams πŸ’­ 

Featuring United Colors 
United Colors - Nora Perls Collar - Fitted for Legacy + Perky, Maitreya, Maitreya X, Maitreya X Petite & Reborn. 12 lovely colors in HUD.
Available @ Uber
πŸš• Uber

After event @ UC Mainstore
United Colors Mainstore

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My Blog

Let the sea speak to your soul.

✨Bauhaus - Ilaria Bikini & Dress for  LaraX + PetiteX,  Legacy + Perky, GenX Classic & Reborn.
20 Colors in Fatpack with HUD to Change Colors of Dress, Belt, & Metals on Dress.
Bikini comes in 20 colors with HUD to change color, diamonds, & metals.

πŸš•Available now @ Uber

πŸš•After the event @ Bauhaus Mainstore

My Flickr


✨Nerido - March Dress with Flower Belt
Rigged for: Maitreya + Petite, Legacy + Perky
8 color options + 8 print options
Sparkle option on/off via HUD
4 Belt Colors

Available now:
πŸš• Nerido Mainstore
✨Essenz - Zambia Heels
8 Colors, 4 Sole options, 4 metal options, 3 Heel patterns.
Rigged for: Maitreya LaraX, Legacy, Reborn

Available now:
After the event:
πŸš• Essenz Mainstore
✨~Mani Pedi ~ Toes in the sand nail polish - 8 Shades
️πŸ’… Marketplace


 Live your life by a compass, not a clock.

✨Ascendant - Suki Cut-Out Top
Rigged for: Legacy, Perky, LaraX, Reborn and Waifu boobs.
40 color options + 40 print stamp in fatpack

Available now:
After the event:
πŸš• Ascendant Mainstore
✨Wasabi - Sun Hair - Features twin braided pigtails and a summery head scarf. Both rigged and unrigged options are included.
Scarf optional via HUD
This style at Hair Fair donates to Wigs for Kids.

Available now:
πŸš•Hair Fair 2024
After the event:
πŸš• Wasabi Mainstore
✨~Mani Pedi ~ Toes in the sand nail polish - 8 Shades
πŸš• Mani Pedi Mainstore
 ️πŸ’… Marketplace


🌼Riot - Flora Gown
🌼So delicate, so beautiful, so ethereal for the brides, or any  occasion. This gown has so much detail & so many options!
🌼Sizes are Maitreya, Legacy, LaraX, Kupra, Reborn + Waifu.
🌼Comes in 54 Riot solid colors (6 colors in each pack)
🌼Flowers are color change and optional in sections.
🌼Sleeves are optional and can be worn solid or sheer via HUD.
🌼Flowers & leaves in 54 Riot solid colors
Please always try a demo!

Available at this round of The Fifty
πŸš•The Fifty 

After the event:
πŸš• Riot Mainstore

Also Featuring:
🌼Synnergy - Nostalgia Backdrop {360} Backdrop
πŸš• Synnergy Mainstore

My Flickr

✨Bauhaus - Ilenia Dress for  LaraX + PetiteX,  Legacy + Perky, GenX Classic & Reborn.
20 Colors in Fatpack with HUD to Change Colors of Dress, Panties, & Metals.

πŸš•Available now @ Anthology

πŸš•After the event @ Bauhaus Mainstore

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